Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Pippa's Bottom and Brad's Abs… Xbox 360 Reveals The Ultimate ...

The Story
Pippa's Bottom and Brad's Abs… Xbox 360 Reveals The Ultimate ...
Apr 18th 2012, 07:03

April 18th, 2012 at 8:03 am -

Irish men and women vote on the A-list bodies they most admire and Xbox 360 shows how to get the look with Kinect

As the race for beach ready bodies heats up across Europe, Xbox 360 surveyed men and women in Ireland to reveal the celebrity parts they most admire. And to help people work out like their favourite celebrities, celebrity trainer Karl Henry reveals the exercises you can do at home using Kinect; the only way to get moving and fit where you are the controller.

When asked to choose from a list, the most ideal, aspirational anatomy was revealed as being an amalgamation of the following:

Ultimate female celebrity body chosen by females

· Arms: Jennifer Aniston

· Abs: Jennifer Lopez

· Decolletage: Penelope Cruz

· Bottom: Pippa Middleton

· Legs: Rihanna

Ultimate male celebrity body chosen by males
· Arms: Will Smith

· Abs: Brad Pitt

· Chest: Ryan Reynolds/Sean O'Brien

· Shoulders: Daniel Craig

· Legs: Lance Armstrong
Speaking today Karl Henry said: "Celebrities have access to personal trainers 24/7 which for the average person is just not possible. For people who want to tone up at any time of day from their own home, Kinect offers a range of games to work your full body and it tracks you from head to toe. No gym fees or having to go outside in the cold, the beauty is you can get ready for the beach from the comfort of your living room."

Karl has devised specific work outs to help people achieve the look of the celebrity body parts they most admire using the variety of games available on Kinect including the pop phenomenon Dance Central 1 & 2 and Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2012. State-of-the-art motion tracking technology provides enhanced feedback and monitors floor movements to track exercises. Players can also keep tabs on calorie intake and personalize their training based on specific body shapes and preferences; whilst the online communities of fellow fans of the games offer a virtual support network for advice and encouragement.

Kinect for Xbox 360 is a great value for the whole family. The all-in-one Xbox 360 4GB Console with Kinect includes the new Xbox 360 4GB console, Kinect sensor and "Kinect Adventures," priced at ERP €299.99. Or for those who have an Xbox 360 console at home, the stand-alone Kinect for Xbox 360, priced at ERP €149.99, includes the Kinect sensor and "Kinect Adventures," and works with the 45 million Xbox 360 consoles currently in homes worldwide.

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